
Sunday, August 15, 2010


All those who have gotten their equipments are to have their stringer and bow square inside their quiver at all times in case of last minute tuning of the bow during competition.

Also with regards to scoring, I will need all of you to bring a notebook and pen EVERY TRAINING so that you can take your score on your own and aim for a higher score every training. And obviously you should get a notebook that will fit into your quiver.

A tool box is also required to repair other stuff other than your bows, items to be in your toolbox includes:
  • Pen knife
  • Reel of thread
  • Superglue
  • + & - screwdrivers
  • Hot melt stick
  • Pliers
  • Lighter
  • Permanent marker (black or blue or any contrasting colour from your silver shaft)
  • Allen keys (best is if they are in a set with different sizes)
You guys should also get your own arrow pullers, either get the friction cloth thing or buy the arrow puller from Mr. Tang. If you dun have arrow pullers, you tend to anyhow pull and it may bend your arrows, who wants bent arrows? so get an arrow puller right now!

Please also purchase badminton grip from any sports shop, get the 3 for $10 one and please do not get the one with cotton, it is not recommended. This badminton grip will prevent the bow from slipping away from your palm when you sweat which will result in a bad shot.

Lastly, archers who have not gotten their fletching jig, please get one from Mr. Tang. You are allowed to share it with another archer. (MAXIMUM two archers per jig)

It is very important to own a fletching jig because when competition draws near and you need to borrow a jig, you may not be able to get one because your friends are also fletching for competition. (This is speaking from experience)

Wednesday's unofficial training will start at 4pm, please be at the store room at 4pm if your want to train, thank you.


Things to bring with you when shooting:
  • Stringer
  • Bow square
  • Notebook
  • Pen
Things to get:
  • Tool box
  • Arrow pullers
  • Badminton grip
  • Fletching jig
P.S. If your equipment has not arrived yet then you obviously do not need to bring your bow square and stringer with you because you do not have one.

please read the whole post again if you feel that you may have left out a thing or two while reading it for the first time.

please tell fellow archers to check the blog.

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